
How to use this map

By clicking on the name of a province or reserve you will call up information in the box below the map. The information covers three thematic areas, and you can move from one to the other using the red arrows at the right margin of the box.

The areas are:
1. General information about the languages spoken in the territory. For details about each language consult the “Languages and Voices” section. Monolingualism data is drawn from Vakis & Lindert, 2000 (click here).

2. Population data. TPR = Total population in the Reserve, and TPP = Total Population in the Province. This data comes from the Dirección Nacional de Estadística y Censo (DNEC) ,
and from Phil Young´s summary of additional (DNEC) publications, The National Census of Population features a category for the Bokota people, but none for Creole groups.
3. Information about the creation of the provinces and reserves.


Mapa elaborado por / Karte gemacht von /
Map made by:
Verena Holz, 2004/05

Diseño / Gestaltung / Design:
Marta de Gerdes, 2004/05